Misc Published June15, 2021 By Ernest Hamilton

Dr. Cat's Recommendations For Having a Safe Surgery And the Danger of Brazilian Butt Lift

(Photo : Dr. Cat's Recommendations For Having a Safe Surgery And the Danger of Brazilian Butt Lift)

Social media today has such a massive influence on people's lives. Young girls come across photos with unrealistic body standards that include dramatically large breasts and butts with narrow waists. These edited, filtered, and photoshopped pictures that are present online distort people's image of an ideal body shape, convincing them to have it as well. These edited, filtered and photoshopped pictures that circulate online distort people's image of an ideal body shape, convincing them they need to achieve it as well. 

It is not always a guarantee for such plastic surgery procedures to work. Often, mild to serious complications can lead to death of the plastic surgery patients. Yes, you read that right! Last year, Joselyn Cano, a social media influencer, went through a tragic death because she suffered complications from her plastic surgery procedure. She had a BBL, also known as a Brazilian Butt Lift, surgery from Colombia. Joselyn was only 30 years-old, and a mother of two children. Hearing the news, Dr. Cat felt devastated and compelled to address the situation and the dangers of Brazilian Butt Lift surgery in her blog on her website.

Dr. Cat Begovic is a board-certified female plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, California. She is well-versed in a wide range of surgical procedures, specializing in natural-looking tummy tuck surgery and vaginal cosmetic surgery. 

Dr. Cat is active on her social media platforms where she shares the procedures she specializes in, what the process looks like, patients journey, and she breaks the stigma of plastic surgery being a taboo topic by normalizing conversations about plastic surgery. She has over 1.2 million followers on Instagram. As an active user, Dr. Cat is well aware of what circulates on social media platforms, and with her expertise she is able to decipher what is real and what images are digitally altered. Because of this, Dr. Cat is very mindful of the content she posts and seeks to influence her followers in a positive and meaningful way. Often, influencers present unrealistic body goals and force comparisons of various body types, which causes a desensitization to plastic surgery procedures. 

Dr. Cat shares the Brazilian Butt Lift is a plastic surgery procedure that should be carried out with utmost caution, consideration, and attention. With a mortality rate of 1 in 3000, this procedure has the highest mortality rate of any other plastic surgery procedure. If not performed properly, it can lead to several complications like fat cysts, injections, permanent disfigurement, and fat necrosis. The most common reason for death in the BBL procedure is fat embolism. Placing too much fat or not harvesting it gently enough can lead to fat necrosis and fat cysts, leaving the patient with lumps, scars, and infection.

Dr. Cat shares that the safest method to prevent this deadly complication is gently harvesting the fat in the layer of fat over the muscles while being careful not to go too deep. Dr. Cat finds it crucial to perform every step of this surgery precisely, cautiously, and meticulously to obtain smooth, natural-looking results without complications. 

Dr. Cat provides a few recommendations to undergo safe plastic surgery. First, it is crucial to ensure that the plastic surgeon you chose as your surgeon is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. 

She also recommends being honest with your plastic surgeon. Refraining from informing your surgeon about any health conditions, past medical records, or family medical records can lead to severe complications later.It is also essential to communicate with your surgeon, ask them about potential risks post-surgery, and carefully look at the before and after pictures while considering a surgeon. The biggest piece of advice Dr. Cat provided is to not have unrealistic expectations of results. 

Dr. Cat performs each surgery meticulously, which makes her so well-known and an expert in her field. She sits down with each of her patients, explains the surgery in detail, and has a detailed discussion to avoid having any complications during or after the surgery. To learn more about such procedures, check out Dr. Cat's instructional videos on her YouTube channel.

You can also visit her website or to get more information or call her office to book a consultation with her directly. 

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