TEEN HEALTH Published August2, 2021 By Ernest Hamilton

How You Can Help Someone Who Is Struggling With Mental Health Issues

(Photo : How You Can Help Someone Who Is Struggling With Mental Health Issues)

We all struggle with our mental health now and again. Whether it's anxiety, stress, depression, or problems sleeping, these feelings are far more common than you might think. In fact, estimates suggest that nearly one in five adults in America lives with a mental illness. So if you know a friend or family member who is having a difficult time, what can you do to help them? Below are some suggestions to get you started - remember, even small acts of kindness can make a big difference.

Talk about mental health openly

Many people feel embarrassed to talk about their feelings or mental health concerns that they are struggling with. By approaching the topic gently that's free of judgment, you can help your friend feel more comfortable discussing their issues. Try asking open-ended questions about how they are, and reassuring them that you're happy to listen when they want to talk. Active listening is a key skill to practice, and can help to both build trust and offer empathy.

Be patient

It may well take your friend a while to open up to you about the difficulties they are having, so it's important to be patient. Don't try to force them to share more than they feel comfortable with or pressure them to talk. Sometimes simply being together doing normal activities can help someone to feel better. Alternatively, they might feel more willing to chat via message or email rather than in person. Just remember that in a crisis situation, you can always contact a professional organization for help.

Offer practical assistance

One helpful tip that can make a huge difference to a person who is struggling with mental health issues is to offer practical assistance with daily activities. For example, you could do the grocery shopping for them, book a doctor's appointment or even accompany them on it, or offer to lend a hand with the housework. 

Consider training in the field

If you genuinely enjoy helping others, you could always think about undertaking some professional training in the field and becoming a counselor. It's easier than ever these days to take an online mental health degree and turn your passion into a rewarding and fulfilling career. You can choose between jobs working with individuals, families, or groups in all sorts of settings, from colleges and hospitals to correctional facilities and specialized treatment centers. This enables you to tailor a career that truly suits your interests and skillset.

Look after yourself too

It can be upsetting when someone you care about is having a difficult time, but to stand the best chance of helping them you need to practise self-care as well. This is key. Make sure you're getting enough sleep, eating healthily, exercising, and setting aside time to relax. Spending quality time with friends and family and doing the hobbies you love is also important. By taking care of your own well-being, you will be better positioned to help others.

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