DIET&FITNESS Published January20, 2022 By David Thompson

How to Make Sticking to an Exercise Routine Easy in 2022

(Photo : GRAHAM MANSFIELD via Unsplash)

2022 has arrived, and with every new year comes all of the usual resolutions, one of the most common being a pledge to live a healthier lifestyle. It's not surprising that people are keen to jump on a health kick if they have overindulged over the festive period, but for many, sticking to this resolution is often easier said than done. If you have specific health goals in mind but have struggled to maintain a good routine in the past, here are a few tips that can help you change that in 2022.

Allow Yourself Time to Adjust

It's good to want to hit the ground running when you're ready to make a healthy change, but remember that it will take time to adjust to your new habits and exercise routine. A lot of people make the mistake of promising to do too much too soon, and when they struggle to keep up with this new routine, it can often leave you feeling disappointed and as though you have failed in some way. These negative emotions can make it easy to give up on your resolve to live a healthier lifestyle altogether, so remember to allow yourself time to adjust to your new exercise routine and ease yourself into it. Start with committing to working out once or twice a week, gradually adding extra workouts into your routine once you have got into the habit of exercising regularly. 

Find Exercises You Enjoy

Not everyone gets excited about the prospect of working up a sweat in the gym, just as not everyone likes to burn excess calories on a dancefloor or running around the local park. However, don't be quick to dismiss all forms of exercise as a chore that you will hate to do. There is something out there for everyone to enjoy, and if you want to stick to a good exercise routine this year, you'll need to find the right kind of workouts for you. If you prefer to go hiking in the hills, aim to do at least one long hike a week, you could even invite friends to join you. You might prefer to swim, take a martial arts class, or follow a workout video in the comfort of your home. Whatever it is, choosing exercises that feel more like fun than a workout will keep you coming back for more.

Invest in Quality Workout Clothes, Accessories, and Equipment

Finally, it's important to feel comfortable and confident when you're working out, and having the right clothes and equipment can help with this. You don't have to look like you've walked off of the catwalk, but having workout clothes that are supportive and breathable, so you don't overheat will help you stick to your routine. Even accessories like these sports contact lenses for those who wear glasses will be beneficial and help you get the most out of your workout. If you are going to engage in more exercise at home or outside of the gym, you should also invest in some equipment like weight, jump ropes, tennis rackets, balls, or whatever your workouts require so you can do them right.

Exercise is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle but working out regularly isn't something that everyone finds easy to maintain. Whether you want to lose weight, feel stronger, or take better care of your general health, you will need to start engaging in more physical activity. If you want to move towards a healthier lifestyle this year and stick to a good exercise routine, use these tips to help you achieve your goals and see the results you want.

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