NUTRITION&FOOD Published May20, 2022 By Digital Nod

10 Best Foods for Hormone Health

(Photo : Jimmy Dean via Unsplash)

Young people experience hormone surges that can be difficult to navigate. Anything from mood swings to trouble sleeping, to oversleeping can all be caused by hormones that help young people grow from childhood into adulthood. Compound this with any challenges when hormone levels aren't quite right, and males and females can experience even more difficulties.

Teenagers are notorious for their poor dietary choices like chips and other processed foods. These can make it even more difficult to manage their hormone levels the best. Fortunately, there are places to get a quick hormone test and there are foods to eat that can improve and sometimes balance hormone health. Here are the best foods.

Farm-Fresh Eggs

Finding eggs from a farmer has significant benefits over buying them from the store. They are higher in nutrients because typically they are freshly gathered within a few days of purchasing. Store-bought eggs on the other hand, have been sitting in cold storage for months which depletes their nutrient density. Plus, the commercially raising eggs don't have the same healthy fat proportions as eggs raised on a local farm.

Ripened Avocados

Avocados are an excellent source of hormone-building fats. Hormones in the body rely on fats as important building blocks. Without fat, you won't have healthy hormone levels. Avocados also contain beta-sitosterol, a compound used by the body to improve blood cholesterol levels and give the body healthy cortisol levels. Delicious avocados can be used in guacamole, on salads, and as a topping for sandwiches.

Cauliflower and Other Cruciferous Vegetables

Cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, kale, and other members of the cruciferous vegetable family are filled with hormone-boosting nutrients. They can not only reduce and eradicate carcinogens, but they can also help reduce the occurrence of cancers that are related to estrogen imbalances. These vegetables taste great roasted with salt and pepper, served with a cheese sauce, or even steamed alongside some salmon or steak.

Salmon and Other Fresh Fatty Fish

Fresh-caught salmon is one of the best foods for hormone health. With a high amount of Vitamin D, the body is able to use it to make more sex hormones which help young people develop and mature at a healthy rate. It also helps to boost testosterone in a healthy way, which is important for energy, memory, and even building bone and muscle mass.

Fresh Organic Spinach

Spinach is a superfood and it's no wonder that this green vegetable is on the list. When you need to build up your hormone levels, spinach is excellent, especially for the thyroid. With a healthy dose of B-vitamins, and a good infusion of iron, spinach helps in so many ways. You'll get more spinach if you throw it into a smoothie, add it to your salads, and put it on your burgers. These are the simplest ways to enjoy some fresh organic spinach. Even the pickiest eaters can handle a little in a tasty homemade smoothie.

Nuts and Seeds

Almonds, Brazil nuts, and sunflower seeds are some of the most delicious options when you need to keep your hormones in check. Youth people might enjoy some almond butter on crackers, some sunflower seeds for an afternoon snack, or some Brazil nuts in a mixed nuts bowl. They contain healthy fats and some of them have Vitamin E, selenium, or even magnesium. These all work in different ways to improve thyroid health, boost antioxidant levels, and reduce cancer risk associated with hormones. Young people who eat these regularly now and into adulthood should experience better hormone health than those who do not.

Daily Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Cooking with oil has always been controversial. But one thing that most people can agree upon, is that if you are going to use cooking oil, extra virgin olive oil is one of the best options. It has many benefits, among them is its ability to reduce insulin sensitivity. Insulin is used to help break down sugars in the body. When you become insulin sensitive, you can no longer break down all the sugar, and this leads to spikes in your blood sugar. It can also help break down fats in your body which then leads to improved hormone levels.

Grass-Fed Beef

When you're going to eat red meat, grass-fed, grass-finished is always going to be the best choice. With high amounts of iron, protein, and B-vitamins, you'll have plenty of micronutrients to support your hormone health. People who eat grass-fed beef over conventional beef typically have lower cholesterol and other important health markers.

Free-Range Chicken Breast

Chickens that are allowed to free-range on a farm will have far better nutrient density than those who were raised in an indoor chicken house. These chickens are lower in fat, but high in protein. The body needs protein to help feel fuller longer. It also makes it easier to build muscles because of the way that it builds hormones that promote muscle growth.  

Organic Whole-Fat Plain Yogurt

When you want a great source of gut-friendly probiotics, look to yogurt. Eating organic, whole-fat, and plain options will have the best effect on a young person's hormone levels. Not only does it help produce estrogen, which is especially important for females, but it also helps the body build up immunity to illnesses. People with healthier gut microbiomes are more likely to get over colds and cases of flu faster and are less likely to get sick in the first place. The fats in the yogurt help the body manufacture other hormones as well.

Young people who need to balance their hormones may want to try a diet rich in healthy fats, nutritious vegetables, and high protein meats. Eating more of the good things will give your body the micronutrients it needs to thrive. Because young people especially need the right balances of hormones to grow, build muscle mass, and to improve bone density, it's even more important to focus on eating the right foods. Getting hormone tested every few months will ensure your efforts are helping make a difference and that you are heading in the right direction to have healthy hormones for life.

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