TEEN HEALTH Published July28, 2022 By Digital Nod

Signs That You May Have Low-T

(Photo : SJJP from Pixabay)

Lower testosterone levels are more common in men who are over 50. As a natural part of the aging process, most men start to experience a waning production of this male hormone. However, it's possible for younger men under the age of 30 to experience low testosterone levels.

There are many reasons you may have low testosterone levels, and if you suspect that you may have an issue, it's essential to see your doctor immediately. Low testosterone levels may be caused by lifestyle choices or represent a more significant problem, so it's crucial to get checked out by your doctor.

Many men turn to a TRT clinic to undergo replacement therapy, but that's not always the right course for younger men. Let's take a closer look at some of the symptoms, causes, and treatments of low testosterone in younger men.

Symptoms of Low-T

Low-T symptoms in adolescents and young men are likely to be more pronounced than in older men. For example, you may feel fatigued or cranky and have trouble maintaining an erection, but that doesn't automatically indicate that you have Low-T. The symptoms of Low-T in younger men include:

■ Problems developing and maintaining erections

■ Lack of spontaneous erections

Loss of hair

■ Weight gain

■ Loss of muscle mass

■ Loss of appetite

■ Infertility

■ Enlarged breasts

■ Insomnia

■ Depression

Many of these symptoms could be related to various other illnesses beyond Low-T. For this reason, if you are experiencing some or all of these symptoms, it's a good idea to make an appointment with your doctor. Your doctor can identify the cause of your symptoms and recommend the correct treatment.

Causes of Low-T

While Low-T in men under 30 is less common than in older men, it's still possible. Some of the underlying causes of Low-T include:

High blood pressure

■ Alcohol or drug abuse

■ High cholesterol

■ Steroid use

■ Prescription opioid medication 

■ Obesity

Some of these causes can be connected to more serious medical conditions. Your Low-T may also be a symptom of another problem that needs to be addressed, and your treatment may not be as simple as Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).

Other Conditions

Younger men experiencing Low-T symptoms may not seek treatment right away due to embarrassment or an assumption that the problem will resolve on its own over time. The key to getting the proper treatment is to be proactive. Many other conditions can be involved in having Low-T. Here are just a few medical conditions that could be the underlying cause of your low testosterone levels:

■ Pituitary gland disease

■ Injury or inflammation to the testicles

■ Klinefelter syndrome, Kallman's syndrome, Down syndrome, and Prader-Willi syndrome

■ Cancer treatments

■ Tumors in the reproductive organs

■ Liver disease

■ Diabetes


What to Do If You Suspect Low-T

The most important thing to do if you think you have Low-T is to make an appointment with your doctor. Talk to them about your symptoms and concerns. They will ensure that you have the appropriate testing to try to isolate the cause of the issue. You will work with your doctor to devise the right treatment plan for you. 

Low testosterone is relatively common in older men, but it can happen to young men too. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed here, talk to your doctor today about your options. 

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