NUTRITION&FOOD Published December23, 2014 By Staff Reporter

Portion Control Essential in Avoiding the Holiday Bulge, Says Experts

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It's Christmas time, that time of the year to eat, drink, and be merry... and bulky? Hopefully not, despite the fact that the holidays can be synonymous to excesses and extravagance- sometimes to the detriment of our health.

Indeed there may be nothing wrong with gaining some extra pounds during the holidays; unfortunately, experts from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) note that majority of Americans never shed off the weight they put on during the merry holidays. NIH adds that these pounds add up year after year, which is a primary factor in adult obesity.

Thankfully, we can break away from this trap, and even enjoy holiday food delights without gaining excess pounds. According to American Council for Fitness and Nutrition chairperson Susan Finn, PhD, RD, portion control is essential.

Here are other ways to avoid gaining unnecessary bulk during the festive time of the year, as advised by experts.

Don't Arrive Hungry at Parties

Planning can help in maintaining the needed discipline in facing temptations, says New York psychologist Carol Goldberg, PhD. Dr. Goldberg warns never to go to a party starving. Have a healthy snack before the party, she says.

Be Smart at Buffets

Buffet-style dinners can be the perfect avenue to give in to temptations, but you can do something about the potential of being overstuffed and overfed. Dr. Finn advises using the smallest plate and going for the simplest foods such as fresh vegetables and fruit, seafood like shrimp, and wheat bread, among others.

Focus on Other Things in the Party

Dr. Goldberg points out how diverting your attention can change the course of your party eating habits. There is more to a party than food, she says, and one way to prevent overeating is to look at a party as more than just a food event. Enjoying the company of friends, dancing, and chatting with fellow guests are effective diversion, taking your mind off food. 

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