LIVING HEALTHY Published September28, 2014 By Staff Reporter

Myrtle Essential Oil Can Normalize Thyroid and Ovary Function

(Photo : Itineranttrader)

Myrtle is a medicinal herb widely used in traditional medicine among various countries and cultures. It is a native shrub in the Middle East and grows in all countries that border the Mediterranean.

Researchers have found that myrtle essential oil offers a myriad of health benefits, discovering that it has anti-diabetic, antioxidative, anticancer, antibacterial, and antifungal properties.

According to Dr. David Stewart, the human body harmoniously and amazingly works well with this essential oil to promote thyroid and overall health. Properties in the oil have been found to be capable in stimulating an increase or decrease thyroid activity, depending on one's condition. This is not something that synthetic drugs can do; they are simply unable to implement intelligent discriminations, acting only in pre-programmed directions.

Dr. Daniel Penoel, MD from France specializes in myrtle oil research. Dr. Penoel discovered that myrtle oil has the natural ability to normalize hormonal imbalances of the thyroid and ovaries, as well as bring the function of a gland to a more balanced, normal state, whether it is over-functioning or otherwise. Pharmaceutical drugs, in contrast, act like bulldozers that force the body to move in one particular direction.

Research has also found that myrtle essential oil can help lower blood sugar by up to 51 percent. In Turkish folk medicine, the oil is specifically used to lower the blood glucose level of type-2 diabetic patients.

In Iran, myrtle oil is traditionally used for the treatment of Malaria, a parasitic blood disease passed to humans by mosquitoes. Researchers that administered myrtle oil to mice with Malaria discovered up to 84 percent suppression of parasitic activity after four days of the treatment.

In another study involving 45 patients with Recurrent Apthous Stomatitis (RAS), an ulcerative disorder of the oral cavity, it was found that myrtle oil effectively decreased the size of oral ulcers as well as reduced skin redness, secretions, and pain.

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