LIVING HEALTHY Published February4, 2015 By Staff Reporter

Natural Ways to Heal Sore Throat

(Photo : Sean Gallup | Getty Images News)

Everyone undergoes a sore throat or two every so often, due to factors ranging from changing weather conditions to stress and exhaustion. It can be tempting to take the most convenient over-the-counter medication to provide instant relief, but it need not be this way. In fact, sore throats can be remedied using natural procedures, as listed below.

Baking Soda

The anti-bacterial properties found in baking soda can effectively kill bacteria that cause sore throat. Its near-Alkaline PH level can effectively soothe swollen throat tissues. To use baking soda as a sore throat remedy, simply mix a half teaspoon of salt with a half teaspoon (or less) of baking soda into warm-hot water. Take some of the concoction and let sit in your throat for a few seconds, followed by a gargle. Repeat a second time, and do it three times a day.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a well-loved go-to for a variety of health problems, one of which is sore throat. While baking soda falls under Alkaline, apple cider vinegar has high levels of acidity, making it efficient in killing bacteria. Apple cider vinegar with honey and warm water is a great drink to help heal sore throat.


Garlic contains a compound called allicin, which is effective in destroying bacteria that cause strep throat, pain, and irritation. Garlic can be sucked on by placing one clove in each cheek and releasing the allicin by crushing it lightly with the teeth.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile has a popular reputation as a calming and soothing herb, and it never fails to live up to its name. Chamomile tea is great as a sore throat remedy, not only because of its effectiveness but also because of its convenience. Simply steep a chamomile tea bag in a mug of boiling water for 10 minutes, add some honey or lemon according to your liking. Enjoy its soothing effects.

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