TRENDING Published February12, 2015 By Alex Turner

Digimon Adventure Anime 2015 Release Date Set On April April 2015! Here’s A Preview Of New Digivolutions For Each Partner Digimons!

After the long wait, Digimon fans are now in for a treat when April hits, as Bandai has confirmed the official release date for Digimon Adventure Tri. which is April 2015!

The sequel is set around 6 years after the first ever Digimon Adventure. Main protagonist Taichi Kamiya is now a teenager (17) and a high school student along with his chosen friends after saving the Digital World in August 1999. Taichi's little sister, Kari Kamiya, joined their group and supported them in 2002.

They return to the Digital World to reunite with their Digimon partners to face a new sinister force that is yet to be revealed.

The original cast that brought Digimon franchise to a greater height is set to celebrate its 15th year anniversary this Spring 2015. For those who haven't seen the new appearance for the Chosen Ones, Bandai Namco has released in their official website their teenage version.

During last year's anime announcement, Bandai Namco said they are also promoting the anime for English speaking fans since the show was a big hit in America. They made it a point to have an English Nicovideo site as well as making the announcement and anniversary site available in English.

Also, it is worth noting that during the first Digimon Adventure series, War Greymon and Metal Garurumon were the only Mega Digivolutions shown during the series.

Now, fans are expecting to see the other's partner Digimons unlock their true potential and be at the same level of Tai's and Yamato's digimons. As a preview, a video shows the Mega Digivolutions of the other six.

To fully satisfy your nostalgia feels, watch the video below:

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