DIET&FITNESS Published August16, 2014 By Staff Reporter

New Weight Loss Solutions Must Be Designed Specifically For Women

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According to the Washington Post, experts have found a new weight-loss solution that is specifically designed for women. Due to their slower metabolism and less muscular biology, previous studies have already shown that there is a big difference between how men and women fare during weight loss programs. Fortunately, the data supplied by studying these differences has provided researchers with a better understanding of how the female body works, and has helped them to come up with better ways for women to lose excess weight.

During the study, the ghrelin and leptin hormones were identified as the substances that caused women to eat more after working out.  These hormones are also responsible for women to not feel full after eating as quickly as men. The results of the study also showed that women are biologically enabled to react hormonally during energy deficits as part of the body's efforts to preserve fertility, a process that is believed to be triggered by the ovulation and reproductive hormones when the female body is not getting enough calories. Researchers believe that it is these mechanisms that make it much harder for women to lose weight compared to men. Aside from the hormonal factors, women also tend to be "emotional eaters" making them more prone to employing extreme diet solutions that often does not lead to long-term weight loss.

These findings led researchers to conclude that weight loss in women may be more medical in nature, and that random exercise and diet techniques may not help them lose weight effectively. As they come up with more concrete solutions, they advise that it is important to find the right program that is suited to each woman's individual needs. Imitating what worked for others may not necessarily work for your body's needs. An individualized exercise program and getting a balanced and nutritionally loaded diet is key to achieving the weight loss that many women desire.

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