TRENDING Published March4, 2015 By Lily Aria

‘Batman: Arkham Knight’ Gameplay Trailer Unleashed Before Release Date; [VIDEO] Watch All Key Characters Revealed; Villains Unite To Take Gotham

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"Batman: Arkham Knight" Villains
(Photo : Official Batman: Arkham Knight site)

It's not Scarecrow's toxins that's spine-tingling --- it's having a glimpse of all the major characters of "Batman" in this newest trailer!

Sony and Rocksteady Studios recently unleashed a gameplay trailer titled "Gotham is Mine" of the highly anticipated "Batman: Arkham Knight" months before the release date. Villains and friendlies alike --- classic characters to the "Batman" universe --- are all showcased in the video!

Although fans may have already seen bits and pieces of the upcoming "Batman: Arkham Knight" video game, the entirety of what's to come has only been revealed as of late. In a little over two minutes, both Sony and Rocksteady were able to excite fans even more with what was revealed in "Gotham is Mine" gameplay trailer.

Narrated by Poison Ivy, the latest "Batman: Arkham Knight" gameplay trailer reveals what every Batman fan wants a first glimpse of: villains, friendlies, Batman, and of course, the first ever playable Batmobile.

Penguin, Two-Face, Riddler, Firefly, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy and of course the mastermind of taking over Gotham, Scarecrow --- are all featured in the most recent video game trailer. According to the video, all these evil characters are putting their heads to together to take Gotham --- and it will be violent.

So violent is the takeover that "Batman: Arkham Knight" video game has been rated M. This means that come release date, younger fans will have to be wary of language, blood, suggestive themes, and ultimately the violence that comes as they "be[come] the Batman."

Meanwhile, friendlies are also featured in the recent gameplay trailer as character James Gordon is revealed. Together with his daughter Barbara, both will fight for justice and hand-in-hand with the caped crusader.

"Batman: Arkham Knight" occurs a year after the death of Batman's most popular arch-nemesis Joker. While Gotham is on the verge of getting used to the peace in the city, super-villains led by Scarecrow unite to wreak havoc by threatening to release a fear toxin throughout the city.

"Batman: Arkham Knight" release date is set on June 2. Watch the latest "Gotham is Mine" gameplay trailer here!

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