LIVING HEALTHY Published March18, 2015 By Staff Reporter

Women: Good Sex Means Good Sleep

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Woman sleeping in bed
(Photo : George Marks | Hulton Archive)

If you want to have an awesome sex life, what you need is sleep-lots of it.

A researcher of Sleep and Circadian Research Laboratory under the University of Michigan David Kalmbach conducted a study to determine the role good sleep plays in sexual health among women. He then discovered that enough sleep can enhance the sexual desire and arousal of women and that lack of sleep can affect these two things even if the women are of excellent mental health.

For the study, more than 160 college-age women volunteered to participate. Initially, they answered questionnaires relating to their state of mood such as anxiety or sexual distress. Then for the next two weeks, they responded to a series of questionnaires that detailed how they slept the previous night and sexual activity over the last 24 hours.

When he and his team analyzed the results, they found out that women who slept on the average of 7 hours are over 13% more likely to engage in a sexual activity the next day. Moreover, the more they sleep, the more they desire sex. Those who engage in sexual activity, meanwhile, reported better lubrication of the vagina than those who had less sleep.

The study is a more comprehensive take on the relationship between sleep and sexual health. Previous studies focused on only a point in time.

The study, however, is not clear as to why women with good sleep tend to have a more enhanced sexual desire, although he cited that it may have something to do with hormones.

Women are more sensitive to hormonal changes, and according to an article in WebMD, which is not related to the study, women tend to complain more often of lack of sleep due to hormone disruption, especially during menstruation and menopause. However, lack of sleep can also cause hormonal imbalance. 

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