TEEN HEALTH Published October21, 2014 By Staff Reporter

Ohio Teen Dies after Visiting Local Haunted House Attraction

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(Photo : openclips-pixabay)

What was supposed to be a fun-filled day with friends and family turned into a tragedy when a 16-year-old girl collapsed while in the middle of a haunted house attraction trail and was pronounced dead a few hours upon reaching the hospital, an Ohio news report said.

Christian Faith Benge was together with more than 50 of her pals and family members when they visited the local horror attraction called Land of Illusions. According to her mother, Jean, she was in the middle of her exploration when she suddenly collapsed. She immediately called the paramedics who then performed a CPR before she was brought to the hospital. Unfortunately, she died a few hours later.

Although her body was already autopsied by the coroner, he prefers to hold on to the findings until he receives the toxicology report. Meanwhile, her mother mentioned in an interview that her daughter suffers from a congenital condition called diaphragmatic hernia. Her diaphragm has a hole, which forces the organs in the abdomen to move up closer to her heart.

Even if her parents had been told she wouldn't live beyond her infancy, her mom and dad held on, thus, calling her Christian Faith because they believed what happened after was a miracle. She was operated on while still a baby to correct the problem. However, it also led to some complications, including a nonfunctioning lung. Her heart has also enlarged more than three times its ideal size. Enlarged hearts can be risky for anyone since the big size can make the vital organ very weak.

Many speculated that her already fragile condition may have led to her demise since she was in a stressful situation, but her mother denied that she died because of fright. Rather, she thought that given her condition back then, she could have collapsed and died anywhere. Some medical experts also suggest that she may have developed arrhythmia where the body's electrical system falters, causing the heart to stop beating or beat irregularly. 

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