LIFE Published April23, 2015 By Ji Hyun Joo

Consuming Sugary Drinks For Just Two Weeks Can Increase Risk Of Heart Disease

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(Photo : Spencer Platt|Getty Images News)

We’ve all heard that sugary drinks, including soda and sugar-heavy juices, are bad for us.

A new study, which was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, suggests that even consuming these sugary drinks for just two weeks can increase the risk of getting heart disease, according to Nature World News.

“These findings clearly indicate that humans are acutely sensitive to the harmful effects of excess dietary sugar over a broad range of consumption levels,” Kimber Stanhope, the study’s lead author, said in a statement.

For the recent study, Stanhope, who is a nutritional biologist at the University of California, Davis, and colleagues conducted a study of 85 healthy men and women between the ages of 18 and 40, according to CBS News.

Researchers reportedly gave a group of participants drinks with varying levels of high fructose corn syrup while others had sugar-free beverages.

Blood tests were reportedly taken on an hourly basis to check for various heart disease risk factors, including the levels of lipoproteins, triglycerides and uric acid.

Researchers reportedly found that after just 14 days, those consuming drinks with high fructose corn syrup had significantly increased heart disease risk factors in the blood. Even the participants that consumed only a 10 percent dose showed a significant difference from their health information from the beginning of the study.

“I think our new data shows very convincingly that we as humans are very sensitive to the amount of sugar,” stated Stanhope.

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