LIFE Published May5, 2015 By Ji Hyun Joo

Boston Marathon 2015 Brings Attention To Odd Love Story

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Boston Marathon 2015 runners
(Photo : Darren McCollester|Getty Images Sport)

It’s spring and romance is in the air. Sort of.

Barbara Tatge was about to run in her first Boston Marathon in April when her daughter dared her to kiss a handsome man along the route, according to People.

Kissing a stranger along the course of the race is reportedly a local custom, as the women of Wellesley, Massachusetts get kissed during the race.

“Before I could even think about what I was doing, my feet were making my way towards this tall, good looking man,” Tatge told

“He was a great sport. There was no discussion about whether it would be a kiss on the lips or the cheek. It just happened to be a kiss on the lips.”

Tatge’s friend reportedly took a photo of the kiss on a cell phone and Tatge’s daughter, Paige, set out to find the man via social media, given that her mom was quite taken by the stranger.

“I turned to go back into the race and he yells out, ‘Call Me!’ I realize he could’ve just been caught up in the moment, but I felt like I wanted to kick myself for not getting his number,” stated Tatge.

“I thought, ‘What if this is one of those happenstance things and I didn’t seize an opportunity that could be great?’”

Tatge did hear back regarding the kiss, but from the man’s wife. The Wellesley Townsman, a Boston-area news outlet, passed on a letter addressed to Tatge, according to Yahoo News.

“When this story aired on the news we were pretty surprised,” wrote the man’s wife, who wanted to remain anonymous.

“For me, I'm not mad. Believe me, our friends have gotten a lot of mileage out of this story and I have thoroughly enjoyed watching them give my husband grief!”

When it comes to this rather odd love story, Tatge has no hard feelings whatsoever.

“The letter was so kind and good-hearted. She’s a great sport, and he’s fortunate to be married to someone like her,” stated Tatge.

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