LIFE Published November13, 2014 By Staff Reporter

Spirulina Side Effects Include Fever, Edema, Digestive Problems And More

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Spirulina is a health supplement made from blue-green algae. It has it's benefits, but it has its side effects as well.
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Spirulina is a health supplement made from blue-green algae. It has it's benefits, but it has its side effects as well.

It is believed to have antibacterial, anticancer and probiotic properties. It is used to treat a variety of conditions and may help to promote good heart health and liver function and support the respiratory and immune systems. Although considered safe for most people, Spirulina may have a few health risks worth considering before using it in regularity. Here are the side effects of Spirulina-


Edema is a medical condition where the body tissues swell due to fluid accumulation. As people with kidney problems find it difficult to filter out the proteins and vitamins properly, Spirulina can actually cause them more harm than good. Such people can experience edema or skin rashes after consuming Spirulina, according to


Fever is experienced by some people when they take spirulina as a food supplement. This is because, 70% of its content is protein. The human body has to break down the proteins by the process of cellular metabolism. This process releases heat in the body, which in turn causes fever in few people. Along with fever, there can be other signs like cough and cold, according to

Lack of Sleep

Spirulina consumption may cause restlessness or lack of sleep in some people. This is due to the heat that body produces while breaking down the protein molecules.

Digestive Problems

Taking Spirulina may lead to problems like acidity, hiccups, stomach ache, chronic constipation, and diarrhea as it can trap toxins and waste material in the colon. That's why, you need to drink sufficient amount of water to allow it to move through the digestive tract. If the problem persists, consult your doctor.

During Pregnancy

The side effects of Spirulina for a pregnant/lactating woman are not clearly known. So it is advisable to avoid consuming Spirulina during pregnancy or while breastfeeding, as it might be contaminated with toxic elements like mercury and other heavy metals. These contaminants may adversely affect the mother as well as the baby.


Phenylketonuria or PKU is a rare genetic disorder that increases the levels of an amino acid called phenylalanine in the blood, which in turn causes mental disability and other serious health issues. Spirulina contains phenylalanine; therefore, people who are suffering from this condition are advised to avoid this supplement.

Liver Damage

Spirulina can sometimes be contaminated with toxic metals, bacteria and other substances that can damage the liver. This can lead to stomach pain, nausea and vomiting. While this is considered a small risk, consult a doctor should any of these side effects occur. Spirulina is not recommended for children who may be more susceptible to these conditions.

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