TRENDING Published August18, 2015 By Zuellen Reynoso

Cancelled ‘Constantine’ Season 2 Haunts ‘Arrow’ Episode; Matt Ryan Returns From The Dead

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"Constantine", season 2, cancelled
(Photo : Screecap, Official "Constantine" site)

After cancellation news for "Constantine" season 2, Matt Ryan's Hellblazer hasn't really given up.

There have been numerous speculations about what's to happen after NBC cancelled Daniel Cerone and David S. Goyer's "Constantine" as it approached season 2. Fans and showrunners were hopeful at first that an online savior would take in the show but to no avail. And when hope seemed lost, a glimmer of light finally shined through.

Latest updates on "Constantine" season 2 cancellation sadly doesn't reveal Netflix or Hulu providing a new home for the series, but a way for Matt Ryan's character to live---sort of.

It has been officially announced that Matt Ryan will reprise his role as the Hellblazer "Constantine" in CW's "Arrow" season 4. This means that although cancelled, "Constantine" fans will be able to see the return of John Constantine albeit reportedly in a single "Arrow" episode, specifically in episode 5 of season 4.

According to a report by DenOfGeek, "Matt will appear in 'Arrow' season 4 episode 5, appropriately titled 'Haunted'. The CW released a little hint of what that might be about, too"

"John Constantine is a weather worn exorcist and expert on the supernatural and the occult," it continued. "He is a detective, magician, and a hunter of demons, and will provide critical support to Oliver (Stephen Amell) when arrows aren't enough."

The same report also revealed the statement made by "Arrow" showrunner Marc Guggenheim as they welcomed the cancelled "Constantine" into an "Arrow" episode.

"We are thrilled to have Matt Ryan reprise the role of John Constantine on an upcoming episode of 'Arrow.' Matt is an incredibly talented actor and his portrayal of this beloved character was always something we admired," Guggenheim said.

"The introduction of magic and mysticism on the show this season has provided a truly organic opportunity for us to bring John Constantine to 'Arrow' and the CW's DC universe. It will be a well-deserved tip of the hat to all the 'Constantine' fans who were so incredibly supportive of that series," he added. 

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