TRENDING Published September24, 2015 By Marijim Dy

‘Captain America: Civil War’ Cast Paul Bettany Revealed Vision ‘Was A Lot Of Work;’ Android To Betray Iron Man?

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Paul Bettany
(Photo : Ian Gavan | Getty Images Entertainment)

"Captain America: Civil War" cast Paul Bettany discussed his role as Vision at the 2015 AsiaPOP Comic Con last week.

During the event, the British actor revealed how it was being in character for the "Avengers" franchise. Bettany was initially part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Iron Man's artificial intelligence system J.A.R.V.I.S. and now he is known as Vision in "Age of Ultron."

The Philippine Entertainment Portal reported that he also discussed about how it is to be a part of a cult classic. DJ Nikko Ramos hosted the Q&A session during the 2015 AsiaPOP Comic Con held in Manila, Philippines.

Fans were given an exclusive glimpse to the next installment in the MCU at the event. When asked what he thought was the difference between "Age of Ultron" and "Captain America: Civil War," the actor joked that he has gotten more used to the costume.

"I got a little bit more used to the costume, which was a lot of work!" Bettany exclaimed. "We all had a bit more fun. You know, there were more improvised jokes between me and [Robert] Downey Jr., and me and Chris Evans, and it was a really loose atmosphere on-set."

The actor, who is part of the "Captain America: Civil War" cast, said that he had to endure two hours of makeup for his costume. Paul Bettany also confirmed that he still has a couple of movies to make with Marvel.

The actor revealed that he wants Vision to continue to be a mysterious character in "Captain America: Civil War." "It was really interesting, fun to play with, because he's dangerous, you don't know if he's going to go one way or another," he said. "I'm continuing that theme in 'Captain America 3.'"

It was previously reported that Vision will side with Iron Man when the conflict with Captain America will arise in the upcoming movie. There are speculations, though, that he will betray Tony Stark during the course of the film.

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