TRENDING Published October18, 2015 By Marijim Dy

‘No Man’s Sky’ Release Date Slated For October? Game’s Demo Revealed How Planets Are Created

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No Man's Sky
(Photo : Courtesy/

"No Man's Sky" release date is rumored to be this October.

Techno Buffalo reported that the highly-anticipated space exploration game could have a surprise release. Plus, the publication suggested that Hello Games and Sony may ship "No Man's Sky" as early as Oct. 27, 2015.

There are several speculations on the highly-anticipated "No Man's Sky" release date. It was previously reported that Hello Games boss Sean Murray could reveal when the game will be available in The New Yorker Festival or during his appearance at Stephen Colbert's "The Late Show."

According to the publication, "appearances on high profile shows are usually accompanied by having a product to promote rather than something without even a vague release window." Aside from the ever-persistent rumors, one Amazon UK customer has also seen an expected delivery of Oct. 27 for the game.

Sony and Hello Games have amped up promotion for the game and they risk exhaustion if the "No Man's Sky" release date takes too long. Fans have already seen everything they needed to see in the released trailers and previews.

"Unless there are some major features the developers is keeping from us, we've seen just about everything we can see in preview, and any more of it risks taking away from the joy of discovery that forms the base of the game's fun," the website wrote.

Furthermore, the "No Man's Sky" release date could be released when "Halo 5: Guardians" is dropped on Oct. 27. This could be a great form of diversion to redirect the hype away from Microsoft and towards the space exploration game.

Design&Trend has posted an exclusive demo for "No Man's Sky" gameplay. The video, taken from Sean Murray's appearance at The New Yorker Festival, showed fans how the 18 quintillion planets are created.

The demo showed a specially-designed planet which was the physical manifestation of a simple sine wave. Things went more complex as Murray transported fans to other planets.

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