TRENDING Published November29, 2015 By Pinky Tuason

'Half Life 3' Release Date Forgotten For Prequel 'Left 4 Dead 3;' New Playable Characters Confirmed?

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Half Life 3 Confirmed?
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If latest reports are true, it looks like Valve is going to go and release "Left 4 Dead 3" ahead of "Half Life 3."

The third installment will allegedly be a prequel according to rumors.

"Apparently, the video game will take place roughly a month before the zombie outbreak began which means that it will be set before the events of 'Left 4 Dead 2,' notes the Christian Post," Master Herald reported.

"The same report also said that there will be six campaigns for 'Left 4 Dead 3,' including Crash-land, Impasse, Inquisitor Land, Early Destination, Cliff-Hanger, and No Mercy."

The article also mentioned the addition of three new playable characters in the prequel.

"The characters will be three men and a woman. The three men include a gangster named Irvin, a comic book nerd named Keenan, and a famous Kenpo fighter known as Garrett Jr. The lone female in the group is Katherine."

Previous reports have claimed that Valve already began with "Half Life 3," but decided to halt its production.

"New rumours have emerged that Valve already has Half-Life 3 fully planned out, but that only 10 people are working on it right now," Metro reported.

"For years now it's seemed almost pointless talking about Half-Life 3 as a thing that might actually happen, but after E3's revelations about The Last Guardian, Final Fantasy VII remake, and Shenmue III it's clear that miracles can happen."

With that being said, many believe that "Left 4 Dead 3" might even get more attention than the anticipated HL3.

"There have been some rumors regarding 'Left 4 Dead 3' for a long time, even since a leak of some screenshots allegedly showing Valve's internal bug tracking systems, in which we could see entries for that particular game," Master Herald reported.

"It was also implied that the game was being developed on Valve's new Source Engine 2, but we don't know if that's true nor if it will be the first game to come out with that engine either."

Stay tuned for more "Half Life 3" release date and "Left 4 Dead 3" updates here!

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