DIET&FITNESS Published August2, 2014 By Staff Reporter

Researchers Take A Swing At Gluten Free Diets Saying They Do Not Contain Any Nutrition

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Gluten-free diets do not contain nutrition

The popularity of gluten-free diets has increased considerably as more and more people A test to their health and weight loss benefits. In spite of that, a nutrition expert from the University of Florida has come out and said that people must not be misled by such information as these beliefs have no sound scientific basis and have not been supported by any type of scientific research.

According to Karla Shelnutt, assistant professor in the Family, Youth, and Community Sciences at University of Florida, a gluten-free diet does not contain any of the essential nutrients that a person needs to maintain health. Going on this type of diet will require substitution of these absent nutrients with multivitamin supplements. The trouble with a gluten-free diet is mainly the misconception that it can promote weight loss while maintaining good health. There have also been claims that this type of food regimen can improve skin health. Statistics conducted by a market research company will prove that even the availability of gluten free products has grown significantly over the past years. Contrary to this popular belief, health experts are saying that, unless you are suffering from celiac disease, eating gluten-free food does not have any advantage over consuming conventional food.

Medically speaking, a gluten-free diet is the main components in the treatment regimen for patients who are suffering from celiac disease, as it is the only treatment recommended to manage their condition and keep it under control. This condition is described mainly as damage of the lining of the small intestines.  Patients with celiac disease cannot consume gluten, or the protein that is found in grains such as barley, wheat, and rye. These patients are put on a gluten-free diet to prevent further inflammation of the lining of the small intestines, that's preventing complications that could aggravate their condition.


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