TRENDING Published February2, 2017 By Staff Reporter

Johnny Depp Lawsuit: Johnny Depp's former asset manager unveils Depp's Extravagant Lifestyle

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Johnny Depp gets counter punch from the asset manager.

Johnny Depp's former asset manager unveiled his luxurious life and disclosed that Johnny Depp spent about $ 2.4 million in a month and $35000 for bottle of wine, "Hollywood Reporter said yesterday. .

Johnny Depp filed a lawsuit against a former asset management company. The company claims to have committed tens of millions of dollars in damages such as overpaying without paying taxes.

"Johnny Depp has been living a life so extravagant that he can not afford it," he said.

According to the company, Johnny Depp bought 14 houses and spent $88M, while the luxury yacht costed $21 million

.In addition to this, he spent hundreds of millions of dollars on civil aircraft and security guards and continued his extravagant life.

Johnny Depp, on the other hand, divorced Amber Heart and paid her $8M. Amber Heart said she would donate it all to charity.

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