Misc Published September14, 2017 By Staff Reporter

10 Simple Tricks To Prevent Wrinkles

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10 Simple Tricks To Prevent Wrinkles

The ways and methods you choose to prevent your skin from wrinkles may either be useful or useless. In order to make sure you use the right techniques here we represent 10 simple tricks to prevent wrinkles. Good skin starts from good care. If you properly hydrate, moisturize, use an anti-wrinkle night cream and take care of it you will surely make it shine and look wrinkle-free. These techniques are the best to find on the internet.

Egg whites

The use of egg whites is quite popular in the skincare routine offered by many specialists. It's a useful ingredient of face masks that tighten the face and help you fight against wrinkles. Whip up one or two egg whites in a small bowl and massage onto your skin, allowing to sit at least 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Olive oil

Women with oily skin may often void using oils to massage their skin but those with dry skin must use moisturizing and softening oils such as olive oil. Natural olive oil can help your skin stay soft and supple. Just use a few drops of it to massage the skin of your face before bedtime.


Asian people usually give us great ideas of preventing wrinkles with the help of massages. Take a few minutes to give your face a massage using your favorite lotion. Focus on problematic areas such as under eyes or forehead. It will also relax your facial muscles.

Fruits and vegetables

Add much fresh fruits and vegetables with Vitamins A and D to your diet. It will help to plump your skin and make it glowing both from the inside and outside. You can also make fresh fruit or vegetable drinks at home and use them during the day.

Lemon juice

In order to avoid oil and dirt use lemon juice in your natural masks. You can slice a lemon and massage the juice into fine lines and wrinkles on your face without even mixing it with something else. This is another way to make the skin smoother and fresher. The acidity of lemon helps skin look brighter.

Aloe Vera

The usefulness of aloe Vera is well known from old times when luxurious and fancy women used to take care of their skin and have done their best to look younger. This plant contains malic acid that helps reduce wrinkles and improves its elasticity. Just all you need. Simply cut an aloe Vera leaf and use its gel.


Among anti-aging remedies for the skin you may also meet ginger. It has the power to inhibit the breakdown of elastin, which is one of the main causes of wrinkles and fine lines. Mix a pinch of grated ginger with a tablespoon of honey and eat it every morning.


It's more than obvious that bananas are rich in vitamins. That's why they are often used as home remedies against wrinkles and many other skin problems. You can mash ripe bananas into a thick paste and apply it on the wrinkled areas as a face mask. Then rinse it with lukewarm water after half an hour.


Since almonds are a great source of fiber, vitamin E, iron, zinc, calcium, folic acid, and oleic acid, they are considered as excellent remedies that can delay the aging process and treat wrinkles. Soak some almonds in raw milk overnight and make a thick paste. Apply it onto your skin and wash it after 20 minutes.

Stay Hydrated

Finally, make sure you use lots of water, fresh juice, and tea to keep your skin hydrated. They are all great sources for keeping your skin in a better condition. In case, you usually forget drinking water, just keep it in a bottle and always take it with you or install an app on your smartphone for reminding you to drink water. It's simple and useful.

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