Misc Published October14, 2020 By Ernest Hamilton

What Are the Most Common Causes of Car Accidents Between Teens?

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What Are the Most Common Causes of Car Accidents Between Teens?
(Photo : What Are the Most Common Causes of Car Accidents Between Teens?)

Common Causes of Teen Car Accidents

If you are a parent who has a teen, it is important to be aware of the most common causes of teenage car accidents. Teenagers don't have a lot of experience driving, so their judgment can be off in a big way. Even though teens think they know what they are doing, there are a lot of dangers involved with their inexperience. For that reason, it's important for parents to make sure that their teen is getting the proper education before getting behind the wheel. There are several causes of teen car accidents, and here they are:

The biggest one is inexperience when it comes to driving. If your teen is new to driving, there are probably some additional  lessons that he or she should be taking to prepare them for the experience. In fact, these lessons may come as part or after their driver's ed class. These lessons will teach him or her about the laws of the road and how to drive safely. This may even include driving safety techniques, such as how to properly stop at red lights and avoid dangerous situations.

Another thing that can cause a teen's seatbelt to go away is intoxication. 

Staying Safe

Car accidents with teens are a huge cause of frustration, trauma and loss of life for many people. Parents need to know all of the information available to help them keep their teens safe when they are driving.

Studies show that nearly half of all car accidents involving teenagers involve a drunk driver or a driver who is speeding or following too closely. Most of these accidents occur in neighborhoods where teens often hang out with friends and relatives. This can lead to a dangerous situation that could have been avoided if parents had taken steps to reduce the risks in or near their home environment.

In addition, teen drivers often lack the skills and experience to make wise decisions regarding driving, particularly during times of high speed and danger. The result is that many teens will end up getting into an accident because they are not paying attention, or simply being impatient with other drivers.

Distracted Driving

Other common causes of car accidents with teens include distracted driving, lack of seat belt usage, speeding and driving under the influence of alcohol. When teens have a history of having an incident like this, they may feel more apprehensive about driving at night, on highways or in areas where they will be around other vehicles. They also may tend to drive erratically and get distracted. As a result, they can fail to notice a vehicle tailing them or another car or street sign ahead.

Statistics show that teen drivers who wear seat belts tend to have fewer accidents. While they might feel safer and take some steps to protect them in their own vehicles, teens should still exercise caution and avoid distractions by making sure to lock the doors and turn on the lights when driving. Keep in mind that children and teenagers who ride in cars with friends are often more likely to drink alcohol.

Teen drivers may also neglect to do what they should to reduce the risk of accidents. They may not keep their headlights on at night, or they may fail to use a turn signal when changing lanes and they may forget to remove their seat belts before they begin to drive.

If there is an unfortunate car accident involving your teen, Car accident attorneys in St. Louis can help with objective and useful legal advice and guidance. Contact Hipskind & McAninch, LLC for immediate help.

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