NUTRITION&FOOD Published September28, 2014 By Angela Betsaida Laguipo

Coconut Oil Is Gaining Popularity For Its Various Health Benefits

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Coconut Oil: The Superfood
(Photo : Coconut oil has many health benefits ranging from cure for diseases to beauty regimens.

Considered a super food, coconut is widely known in many countries to possess therapeutic properties to cure certain illnesses. One derivative from coconut is its oil that is now gaining its popularity worldwide for having many health benefits.  Aside from using coconut oil for cooking, it has head-to-toe benefits against certain illnesses.

Coconut oil has a unique combination of fatty acids that can lead to positive effects on health.  Years ago, myths circulated that coconut oil is not good for the health because of its high saturated fat content. Recently, studies have shown that coconut oil is not bad for the cardiovascular system; rather, it is a good component to promote heart health.

Containing medium chain triglycerides, they are metabolized differently. It is used as an immediate source of energy and the by product, ketones are useful for their therapeutic effects on the brain.  Subsequently, coconut oil increases energy expenditure making weight loss easier. A study states that 15 to 30 grams of medium chain triglycerides can increase expenditure of 24 hours by 5% making a total burned calories amounting to120 per day.

Coconut oil is an appetite suppressant. A study tested on health men wherein they took in coconut oil and foods rich in MCTs at breakfast, consumed considerably low amounts during lunch time.

Lauric acid, a major component of coconut oil has anti-microbial properties as it can kill bacteria, viruses and fungi.  Studies have tested coconut oil and yielded positive results on bacteria spefically Staphylococcus aureus and the yeast, Candida albicans.

Coconut oil can improve cholesterol levels, reduce occurrence of seizures, protect the hair from damage, boost brain function in patients with dementia, and reduces fat. The many health benefits of coconut oil are testimonies of the efficacy of coconut oil in promoting health.

Aside from health benefits, coconut oil is also used in many beauty regimen and products. Coconut oil is a well-known moisturizer that can cure skin dryness, eczema rash and atopic dermatitis. 

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