NUTRITION&FOOD Published September27, 2014 By Staff Reporter

Vegetarian Diet Possible for Pregnant Women

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pregnant woman eating
(Photo : CDC/James Gathany)

Pregnant women are especially vulnerable and require a healthy, balanced diet, not only throughout the duration of their pregnancy but also during the postnatal stage.

What about vegetarian women who are pregnant? Consumption of the sufficient amount of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals are essential, and there is a popular belief that a vegetarian diet alone cannot fulfill the needs of a pregnant woman and her developing baby.

Such belief is a myth, according to Rachel Depedahl, RD, a Beverly Hills, CA dietician working with the Cedars-Sinai Medical Group. "Vegetarian diets during pregnancy can provide the mother and baby with all the proper nutrients they need," she said. "My pescaterian diet has been easy to sustain." All it takes is careful meal planning and preparation, she added.

Dependahl herself is a pescatarian (vegetarian who eats fish), and is pregnant. She worried that she would crave meat during her pregnancy, but in fact got more turned off by it more than it has ever been, she admitted.

A vegetarian diet during pregnancy has its advantages. For instance, studies show that vegetarian sources of protein are easier on the kidneys. Vegetarian eating also helps tooth decay, which is a common pregnancy problem. Martha K. Grodrian, RD, nutrition therapist at Good Samaritan Hospital in Dayton, Ohio, added that most women that follow a vegetarian diet are less likely to eat junk foods, focusing on more nutritious meals.

Meanwhile, it is not surprising that a vegetarian diet during pregnancy takes more work and effort. Grodrian adds, "In general, the more foods a vegetarian omits from the diet, the more difficult it is to meet nutrient needs." Supplements are needed to compensate for this lack. For instance, a vegan (who avoids all animal products) needs to take vitamin B12 and iron supplements, as well as calcium, vitamin D, and zinc.

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