NUTRITION&FOOD Published October1, 2014 By Angela Betsaida Laguipo

An Apple A Day Keeps Obesity Away, Experts Say

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Granny Smith apples
(Photo : Nicole Koehler) An apple a day can prevent obesity

A research was conducted by experts from the Washington State University led by Giuliana Noratto of the School of Food Science. They revealed that eating one apple a day especially the Granny Smith variety, can prevent obesity. It was published in the journal, Food Science.

Apples have many health benefits. In fact, it is considered one of the world's healthiest foods. They contain phytonutrients that can help regulate the blood sugar. They also contain polyphenols that prevent sugar spikes in the blood.  Subsequently, flavonoids found in apples inhibit certain enzymes to stimulate less absorption of sugar in the digestive tract.

Eating an apple a day lowered blood oxidation of LDL or bad cholesterol in the blood by 40%. Also, it can help prevent high blood sugar. Since it contains antioxidants, it prevents the cells to undergo oxidative stress resulting from damage from free radicals. Thus, healthy aging is also promoted.

According to the study, many did not look deeper into the nutritional content of apples. They revealed that apples contain polyphenols (a type of antioxidant) and dietary fiber which affect the gut bacteria that boost immunity and help in weight maintenance.

The team discovered that the Granny Smith variety of apples is more effective in preventing obesity than other apple types. Hence, compared with all other apple varieties, Granny Smiths were shown to have the most beneficial effect on the gut bacteria.

Furthermore, this variety has more fiber content that aids in digestion. Also, they said that if there is alteration in the good gut bacteria diseases like diabetes is likely to develop.

Around 34% of Americans are obese and their study will help prevent obesity. Eating one apple a day has many health benefits. If obesity is prevented, lifestyle diseases like stroke, heart disease and diabetes are also prevented.

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