LIVING HEALTHY Published February14, 2015 By Staff Reporter

Do You Have a Leaky Gut?

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Figura De Situ Viscerum
(Photo : Hulton Archive)

Until now many causes of diseases still remain unknown. For example, while there are several kinds of cancer, doctors cannot pinpoint the reason why they develop in the first place other than cancerous cells grow and multiply. But more studies point that the root cause is in the gut.

One of the main gut problems that people should be aware of is called the leaky gut syndrome. It is a gastrointestinal condition that is characterized by the high permeability of the intestinal lining.

Your intestines perform many functions. A significant part of your immune system is there. Absorption of nutrients also happens in the intestines. Before nutrients are delivered via the bloodstream, the intestines act as a "screen" or filter, preventing toxins and other substances that your body doesn't need from passing through using the intestinal lining.

However, these linings can also get damaged. Toxins and abnormal growth of certain bacteria can build up, irritating the lining and making it inflamed. Soon the wall becomes more permeable with the appearance of holes that can grow. This means that even unnecessary molecules can pass through and invade the bloodstream.

To get help you need quickly, you should be familiar with some of the common signs and symptoms of leaky gut syndrome.

For example, you may have a leaky gut if you're allergic or cannot tolerate certain types of food such as lactose from dairy products. If you have yeast infection or any kind of candidiasis, that could be a sign of a leaky gut.

Other suffers also complain of fibromyalgia, or chronic pain that affects the muscles and tissues of various parts of the body (they have what doctors call tender points).

People with autoimmune diseases like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis may find leaky gut to be the main reason for the problem. The immune system of the intestines may be attacking the tissues as a way of fighting these toxins.   

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