TRENDING Published May12, 2015 By Marijim Dy

‘Ultratron’ Game Trailer Recently Released By Curve Digital; Puppygames’ Twin-Stick Shooter Has ‘Tactical Depth’ And ‘Replay Potential?’

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"Ultratron" game's trailer has been recently released by Curve Digital. The video gives a glimpse of the excitement awaiting fans of Puppygames' twin-stick shooter.

"All humans deleted, except one," the trailer for the "Ultratron" game stated. "Your brain implanted into an upgradeable Battledroid... Your mission: avenge the human race."

The trailer also revealed the following boosters available in-game: upgrade shields, auto smarts, drone repair, emp shock, smart bombs, plasma grenades, plasma charge, contact grenades, droid power, dot slurper, drone AI+, blaster pet, laser pet, rocket pet, scan range, pets level up, speed boost, boost charge, quantum shift and bomb fruit.

Players will use the last remaining humanoid battle droid for their mission. With over 40 levels of glowing neon, players need to blast their way through the stages. They will also need to avoid Chasers, Turrets, Spawners, Minelayers, bombs and bullets. Four giant boss robots of the Apocalypse: Ieiunitas, Bellum, Lues and Letum also need to be defeated.

"Ultratron" will be published for Xbox One, PS4, PS3, PS Vita and Wii U. Fans all over the world can expect the game for Xbox One on May 8. For PS4, PS3 and PS Vita, it will be released on May 12. The twin-stick shooter will be available for Wii U on May 14. Puppygames and Curve Digital claim that their "Ultratron" game is a "hypnotic arcade blast."

XBLA Fans wrote a review of the game. The website revealed that, although it looked like an uninspired arena-based shooter, there is more to the game than meets the eye. "Ultratron" is reportedly an enjoyably fun game for those playing alone or co-op. It also has a unique upgrade system which allows players to upgrade pets and weapons after each level.

"It may be a short game, but it has an unexpected layer of tactical depth and a ton of replay potential," the website stated.

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