TRENDING Published December19, 2015 By Marijim Dy

‘Deadpool’ Movie To Get Empire Cover; Anti-Hero Shares His Christmas Wish List

(Photo : Courtesy/

The "Deadpool" movie protagonist will be getting his own feature on Empire magazine.

The 12 Days of Deadpool Christmas promo kicked off with a new "Deadpool" movie poster last Dec. 14. The film's exclusive content will be released to different publications and it will conclude with a brand new "Deadpool" movie trailer on Christmas Day, Dec. 25.

"Hi, I'm Deadpool," Ryan Reynolds said in a promo video for the 12 Days of Deadpool event, "the other jolly guy in a red suit with a lap worth sitting on."

The Merc with a Mouth's battle plan was recently revealed via Deviant Art. It showed the layout of a home with a number of unusual weapons and traps such as a "red-hot spring-loaded nut-punching doorknob," komodo dragons, medical waste and P.R.O.U.S (Pizza Rats of Unusual Size).

The appearance of a yellow honey badger with iron claws and an X on his chest seemed to hint on Wolverine's cameo in the "Deadpool" movie. Both Wolverine and Deadpool appeared together in "X-Men Origins: Wolverine."

Empire magazine took to Twitter to announce that Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool will be featured in their upcoming issue. "Looks like we're about to make someone's Christmas wish come true," the publication tweeted with an image of the anti-hero's wish list.

The wish list contained some outrageous requests such as "a lock of Beast's beautiful blue hair," a "signed Andrew Ridgley head-shot," "$240 worth of pudding," "Betty White's personal phone number" and a "wearable teleporter with built-in pedometer."

The Merc with a Mouth also requested for "a sewing kit," clarifying that it's for his costume and not his mouth. "You jerk," he wrote.

He also wished to "be on the cover of the world's biggest and best movie magazine," which is what Empire will fulfill in its next issue.

The "Deadpool" movie will feature T.J. Miller as Weasel, Morena Baccarin as Copycat, Brianna Hildebrand as Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Gina Carano as Angel Dust and Ed Skrein as Ajax. It is slated for release on Feb. 12, 2016.

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